You’re new to school but an old school fan at heart? Show it off with our casual corduroy styles in retro mint & retro honey!


Retro Honey Set

Attention, attention: Old school vibes incoming! Grab your skateboard, your oversized denim jacket, your satch pack in Retro Honey, and starting rolling! Bring the good vibes of the past back to school and turn heads with this style!


Retro Mint Set

So fresh, so clean! Ride the trend wave to the next level with the satch pack in cool Retro Mint. It is made with corduroy to create both a sophisticated look and a soft feel. It is sure to catch the eye in trendy Mint and in combination with our satch SWAPS!

Drei, zwei, eins

– die Retro Sets in... ACTION.

Tik Tok Retro komprimiert vorschaubild
MoodVideo-mit-Produktfokus komprimiert Creator beccasemida
Benni (BK) Satch Werbevideo vorschauimage
export 1697112157667 komprimiert vorschaubild
20231005 Satch Mavie TikTok Abgabe komprimiert vorschaubild
Unpacking-2 komprimiert Creator beccasemida 2/2 Vorschaubild